The (Re)Vote Black Church Community Voter Project

The (Re)Vote Black Church Community Voter Project is a mass engagement initiative that specifically targets infrequent voters. The project will conduct non-traditional outreach efforts to meet non-registered and low-propensity voters exactly where they are – which is the approach Jesus took in evangelism. Jesus always met the needs of the people before charging them with growing the mission. We believe a “served community” will be an “empowered to serve community”. This crusade will prove to be the solution to apathy and low voter engagement.

(Re)Vote Black Church Community Network is a fellowship opportunity created to cultivate intentional engagement and relationship building between the Black church and the community to increase voter turnout and provide voter and civic literacy. This will lead to reactivation of Black voters who will actively vote in every election. These voters will also be educated about their voting choices, and resources available at their local church.

The Mission of the (Re)Vote Black Church Community Voter Project is to (Re)Connect, (Re)Engage, and (Re)Vitalize the Black Church and community to build political power statewide.

Voter Toolbox

Where We Came From

The ancient diaspora of faith spaces was caused by political and systemic oppression just as much as it was caused by religious persecution. These people of faith were elected by God to carry out a work of liberation that would happen against all odds. The message to them was to organize and move as one body, with one mind, aligned for the purpose of being fully free in a world that was a constant threat to that freedom.


Where We Are Going: 

Headed to Freedom

Now it is time for us to reimagine the relationship between the community, church, and local activists. By Faith Leaders becoming more involved with civic engagement we can not only increase voter turnout in elections, but we build power to move the needle on other social issues from the ground up. Essentially, as Faith Leaders become activated they will invigorate the community they serve through intentional community engagement to affect change across the country on every relevant issue.


We aim to position the Black Church and Community Activists to collectively: 

  • Transform and strengthen community power in forms that are measurable and meaningful
  • Re-center the church as the civic, political hub, and place of refuge within the community
  • Create a network of Black faith leaders as community focused political operatives dedicated to awakening the communities political activism and pledging to take ownership of their role in the community where their church is located
  • Revolutionize and protect the duty of voting as a whole and reinforce the importance of showing up at the polls and voting in every election
  • Create, shape, influence, and set agendas to improve the lives of Black people across Alabama

How Do We Get There

  • Mass Engagement: Unconventional outreach efforts (comms strategy, mutual aid, social media, radio, community gatherings and convenings)
  • Base Building: Residential + Business community canvassing efforts (phone banks + digital organizing)
  • Coalition Building & Electoral Power: Development of (Re)Vote Black Church Community Empowerment Network
  • Leadership Development: Identifying, recruiting, and training Black leaders through our 10 week fellowship along with Statewide Black Campaign School occurring twice a year

Let’s Talk 2026!

  1. We will create a minimum of 300 social and civic action ministries across the state of Alabama
  2. Ministries will be equipped and empowered to set their own agendas based on the needs of their community
  3. Our goal is to mass engage a minimum of 20% of the population in Jefferson and Madison County